Saturday, July 10, 2010

Slings, Rice, Noodles & Soup

You may be a tourist if... you have to ask another tourist to take a photo of you drinking a Singapore Sling. Ya know what, its even worse than that, a woman offered to take a photo of me as I was setting up my camera to automatically snap a photo.

When in Singapore... Sling. Legend has it, the world famous "Singapore Sling" was invented (if you can call it that) at the Raffles Hotel. Raffle is the guy who exploited Singapore in the early 1800s and made it into a Trade hub for the British. From what I recall from the Raffles Hotel Museum, the owner of the hotel was buddies with a guy that made Cherry Brandy (the ingredient that makes the sling a pretty pink color). The recipe was kept in a small safe (which I saw) and was apparently lost to the world. Original bartenders recreated the drink based on old notes and such, but the drink in my hand is apparently nothing like the original (which is sad). My friends, that drink in my hand cost about $22 (US). Was it worth it? Meh, it was delicious, but not the original, nor did I get it from the "Long Bar" where it was originally invented (which was my mistake), AND apparently they get so many orders for these things, that it is pre-mixed and pineapple juice is added, then they are blended or something. Anywho, its a tacky tourist thing to do, and I'm a tacky tourist... enough said on the subject.

Speaking of consumables... I had heard from a few different people that the food courts here are awesome and there is so much to choose from. No offense to those people, but I can't handle it. Lets do a case study, if I'm at a teriyaki place in Shoreline, I look at the menu and think to myself "yakisoba?.... Chicken teriyaki?... Hmm... (minutes elapse) Yakisoba". Now, with someone that has these kind of issues, how am I supposed to sort through 20 different vendors each selling 30 dishes which all look the same but have minor variations (which I usually don't know). To make matters worse, there is a lot of pressure to tell everyone how good the food was, so there is an incentive to find the best food, but I don't have "food finding skills". Normally in the US, if a food vendor is not good, it gets knocked out by its competition. Here, there are so many vendors, it would be difficult to try them all enough to decide which is best. Across the street from my hotel is a Mall... the Mall is 90% electronics stores... Seriously, its the electronics store Mall... There are 5 stories!!! Are people seriously supposed to shop around for the best deal? I think the individual stores don't go out of business because there are so many...

Seriously, if someone would like to make suggestions of what to order, I'm all ears (Just not Chili Crab, its already slated for consumption)
"Freedom of choice is what we got, Freedom from choice is what we want" - Devo
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